1. YOU ARE NOT CHALLENGING YOURSELF. If you’re extremely comfortable working out, it’s time to amp up the intensity. If you aren’t making FITNESS related goals, you are missing out on half the fun.
2. YOUR NUTRITION IS OFF. I know most coaches will tell you calories in < calories out. But believe me it IS a little more complex than this. The only way your body will truly thrive in a calorie deficit is if you are fueling yourself with ample protein, healthy fats (especially for women) and complex carbs. Opt for whole foods, take your vitamins and don’t forget those probiotics! And as my girls know... DRINK YOUR DAMN WATER.
3. You are STRESSED. If you aren’t sleeping well or are feeling extremely stressed at work it will effect your hormones which can cause unwanted fat stores to stick around. Your body may also retain water as a fight or flight response to stress. Find ways to cope and make sure you are getting enough sleep.
4. Your expectations are unrealistic. If you believe you will become solid muscle by picking up a dumbbell for a week, or that you can drink a miracle tea and get ripped in 2 weeks you need to get your head out of the clouds. That girl with the thick muscular thighs you idolize has been building up her legs for YEARS. That extremely lean girl with abs has been working hard for a long time. You won’t build muscle over night and you won’t lean out over night. But if you’re dedicated it will come to those who put in the work.
5. You are too hard on yourself. You aren’t celebrating the little milestones like getting 5 workouts in last week, upping your weight in the squat rack, being able to chase your kids around and not be out of breath, being able to sleep better, having your blood pressure go down, going down a pant size, meal prepping for 2 weeks straight. These are all worth a little celebration and pat on the back.
And always remember... enjoy this journey. It is a blessing to be able to work your body, to become stronger, to thrive no matter how old you are, how many kids you have, how busy you are... we all deserve to be healthy and happy and it all starts with YOU
